Thursday, April 23, 2009

What is a miracle?

For me, and I believe many others, in a religious context, miracle implies a "magical" or "supernatural" intervention in the world by God; a breaking of the laws of science. I think using the term "miracle" tends to confirm in the minds of people who don't see any value in Christianity their perspective that you have to believe in "magic" to be a Christian, thus driving them further away from a stronger connection with God.

It is, of course, OK to believe in miracles (i.e. magic, as per above). The problem is when people do not even know there is an alternative, equally valid perspective of God that doesn't require a belief in miracles. This flows on to problems in language and imagery; people talk and sing about things with no idea that some in their community find them nonsensical at best and offensive at worst.

It is my hope that, through education, people of faith will come to know and understand the alternatives, so they can make informed decisions about their faith.

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