Saturday, June 23, 2012

A majority of Christians support marriage equality

In his op-ed piece in today's herald, Mike Carlton states:

If Christians don't like the idea of homosexuals getting hitched, then fine, but why should they force their prejudice upon the rest of us?

In doing so, he makes the mistake that seems all to common in media circles: assuming all Christians think and believe the same thing. Such a generalization might be understandable when used to paint a broad brush perspective, in limited newspaper column space, overlooking some minority positions along the way. However, the fact of the matter is, as shown in a recent Galaxy poll:

You wouldn't know it from how it is reported in the media, but a majority of Christians support gay marriage. Yes, some Christians do oppose gay marriage, but the vocal, extreme conservative voices of the Australian Christian Lobby and some high profile church leaders do not actually reflect the majority view.

The crux of the Christian faith is to love other people. I don't think it is possible to do that while denying the opportunity of marriage to couples engaged in a mutual, committed, adult relationship just because the individuals happen to be of the same gender.